
Welcome to our Reception page. Our class teacher is Mrs. Orrell and working with her are Mrs. Smith, Miss. Horner, Miss. Cocks and Miss Seymour .  Here you will find all the information you need to help your make child progress, by supporting the learning that goes on in class and also giving you a window into what they are doing through the year.

Please click on the link below for an overview of our year's learning in Reception Class.

Yearly Overview 2022-23

New Starters

Please click on the link below for our 'New Starters' ppt that we showed at our parent transition meeting we held this year. This presentation contains useful information about your child starting Reception class in September. 

New Starters Presentation - click here


At Hill Top we follow the 'Monster Phonics' scheme for Phonics. This is a new scheme to our school which aids the learning of early reading and writing. We are already seeing great results with the children. If you would like to find out more, please click on the link below which will provide you with an outline of the scheme. 

'Monster Phonics' Parent Letter

Click on this link for our 'Reading Workshop' presentation.

Or you can click on the link below for useful 'Monster Phonics' parent Webinars.

How to help your child with phonics- parent Webinar schedule. 

Please click on the link below for the letter which introduces our new reading scheme. 

Parent Letter- Our New Reading Scheme



We are often asked whether there are any books which we can recommend for pupils. The website: shows lots of good choices for individual year groups. We are using the 'Pathways' teaching approach from The Literacy Company, which provides a scaffold for children to base their own writing. It also ensures that they are exposed to a range of quality texts as they make they way through school.




We follow the White Rose Maths scheme, we adapt this to suit our provision and the needs of our learners. See below for a yearly overview.




Here you'll find our topic web, which will guide you through our topics for the term. 


 Topic Web Summer 2.pdfDownload
 Topic Web Summer 1.pdfDownload
 Spring 2 Topic Web.pdfDownload
 Reception Topic Web (Autumn 2).pdfDownload
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